If you haven’t heard, the Cloud Resume Challenge is a multi-step project outline developed by Forrest Brazeal, a cloud architect, educator, author and cartoonist. The project does not provide implementation instructions but rather, guides you to explore and research cloud all around. It includes full-stack software development, version control, infrastructure as code, automation, continuous integration and delivery, cloud services and “serverless”, application security, and networking. Along the way familiarizing you with the abilities required for a career in cloud: resiliency, resourcefulness, and grasping concepts quickly.

Why I took on the CRC

I took on this exciting challenge because I wanted a way to demonstrate my skills as a cloud practitioner and to deepen on my understanding of cloud technologies. For my project I naturally opted for Amazon Web Services (AWS) as my cloud provider, given my studies and certification in this domain.

Cloud Services Used

As I mentioned, I used AWS as my cloud provider of choice. This project called for various services: S3 for file storage and web hosting, CloudFront for lower latency with caching and distribution and enabling HTTPS communication, Route 53 for DNS service and registering custom domain, DynamoDB for database integration, API Gateway for website to database communication, and Lambda to run code serverlessly.

This project also calls for the use of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Python.

If this all sounds like foreign language, don’t be discouraged. It once was foreign to me as well. Keep at it.

My progress so far

If you would like to view my progress and visit the culmination of my efforts so far, feel free to visit my website www.yarminthecloud.com, hosted on AWS cloud infrastructure. And know that there are many working parts behind the scenes that enable the content to securely and seamlessly reach your device.


Building this website has been exciting and stimulating. The feeling of satisfaction that accompanies successfully overcoming challenges is unparalleled. I am reminded of the value of perseverance and resilience when dealing with complexity. I would challenge anyone interested in the workings of cloud computing to take a dive, learn, and build something of their own.

Take a look at the cloud resume challenge here.